Sanjay Gupta
CEO, English Helper
I have been associated with RS Foundation since its inception and seen it grow from strength to strength. What began as honouring Mr. Rakesh Singh's memory, it has become something he would have been proud of Dr. Vandana Singh's experience, integrity, and single minded focus has ensured that literally millions of students benefit from access to digital education. The Foundation has been able to tie up with important outreach initiatives such as that of Apollo Hospital and make sure they become accessible to people who need them the most. The NGO sector is filled with good people shining in different capacities spearing light in darkness, the work of RSF stands out as it works to form connections between these different causes, amplifying their affect manifold.
- Shweta Rao, Proprietor, The Banyan Tree
Details about Donating

Please donate generously to our causes using the QR code given here. If you’d like to transfer money (INR 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, 50,000 or any other) to our bank account using the upi RSFOUNDATION1142@icici or the QR code given on this page.
All monetary donations are 50% tax exempt under section 80G of the Income Tax Act,
Material donations are also welcome. You may help with donating
- School books
- Stationary
- School Uniforms
- School Shoes
- Sports Shoes
- Notebooks
- Colouring kits and toys
- Medicines
- First-aid kits
- PPE Masks and Sanitisers
However, we request you to contact us before making any such donation. Different educational institutions and patients have different requirements at different points of time. We will be able to tell you what is exactly needed at a particular point of time making sure that your valuable donation is used for the best possible purpose. You can write to us at contact@rsfoundation.org.in. Thank you.
1. How can I to donate to RS Foundation?
2. Is there any minimum amount that I must donate?
No, there is no upper or lower limit to the amount that you can donate. Every drop in the ocean counts. No matter how small you think your contribution may be, we assure you that it’ll make a big difference to the lives of people through our projects. (The options given in the donation box are only for your convenience and are in no way binding.)
3. Are donations in cash accepted by RSF?
No, donations in cash are not accepted in the interest of transparency and accountability.
4. What all can I give/contribute?
You can help us by donating
- Stationary
- Medicines
- Blankets
- Books for children
- Laptops, Phones, Tablets, ipads, Notepads, pen drives
For specific queries please check with us before sending any material which is not mentioned here.
5. How is the proper utilisation of allocated funds ensured by RSF?
We ensure that resources are optimally used by our project verticals/partners through regular budgeting and reporting systems. Our program teams ensures that each project is being allocated the right amount of funds, based on its existing needs. Every project is subject to an annual evaluation before we grant them funds for next year.
6. How is my donation amount utilised?
The donated amount is allocated to different projects. You can get detailed information in the updates section.
7. Can I sponsor individual initiatives?
In order to achieve a sustainable impact, we pool all the donations we receive and allocate them amongst the three verticals that we support instead of allowing individual selection. This helps us ensure that the money donated by you is making a larger impact and will cater to long-term change in society.
8. Does RSF disclose the names of beneficiaries to donors?
No, we believe that patients requiring medical treatment are entitled to their privacy and we completely appreciate and empathize with their need for the same. Though the names of the beneficiaries are withheld, we encourage you to visit our updates section regularly so as to experience the impact your donation is making.
9. Does RSF receive government funding?
As an NGO, we do not receive any direct government funding. However, the government has extended certain tax and duty exemptions to us to help us minimise our costs.
10. Are you a registered body?
Yes, RS Foundation is a charitable organization registered under Income Tax Act, 1961 under Section 12A and 80G.
11. Will I get a tax exemption certificate for my donation?
- Yes, your donation receipt will be sent to you via email on the provided email address.
- This receipt will be eligible for tax exemption and can be shared with the Income Tax authorities.
- The receipt will be issued on submission of name, mail ID and PAN of the donor as these are requirements of the Income Tax Department.
- In case of any changes in your email ID, please contact us with the updated details through our website or write to contact@rsfoundation.org.in