We encourage volunteers to contribute to our work. Please fill the form below and we will get back to you.

1. How can I join you formally?
Send your details and CV to contact@rsfoundarion.org.in and whenever we have an opening, we will get in touch with you. However, you can get started with doing voluntary work with us which would give you a brief idea about our work.
2. Are RSF employees paid for their work?
Yes, our full-time employees are paid regular salaries while interns receive stipends as a token of appreciation. We believe that this encourages the best professional talent to join us in our work and help us manage our activities effectively. However, it is important to note that the salaries given by RSF are very modest in comparison to commercial corporate organisations. These emoluments are to be viewed as an incentive to encourage a sense of social responsibility.
3. What expenses and stipend does RSF provide to interns?
We incur all logistical expenses of our interns and volunteers and do help in arranging accommodations.
We have stipends for interns varying according to their field of work and the days/hours invested.
4. Will I get a certificate, if I volunteer with RSF?
Yes, we will surely issue a certificate for the work and duration of time that a person volunteers with RSF on assigned tasks.
Apart from the certificate for a particular tenure, we also have recognitions like volunteer of the year to encourage social responsibility amongst citizens.
However, we strongly discourage people from approaching us with requests from their college, organization wanting a certificate when they are not actually interested in working with us as a volunteer.
5. I live outside India, but I want to volunteer/intern at RSF. What do I need to do?
First and foremost, please make sure that you have all the requisite visa requirements and permissions from the Indian Government in place. Please fill in the volunteer form above only after you have the required permissions. Alternatively write to us and we may be able to explore other avenues on how you can help, either in fundraising or by taking up activities that you can do sitting in your home country.